چنانچه عضو سایت می باشید از این بخش برای ورود به سایت می توانید اقدام نماید، در غیر این صورت از بخش ثبت نام برای عضویت در سایت اقدام کنید.

لنز های تماسی نرم

Keratoconus is the most common corneal distrophy. It’s a noninflammatory progressive thinning process that leads to conical ectasia of the cornea, causing high myopia and astigmatism. Many treatment choices include spectacle correction and contact lens wear, collagen cross linking, intracorneal ring segments implantation and finally keratoplasty. Contact lenses are commonly used toreduceastigmatismandincreasevision.Therearevarioustypesof lensesareavailable.Wereviewedsoftcontactlenses,rigidgas permeable contact lenses, piggyback contact lenses, hybrid contact lenses and scleral-semiscleral contact lenses in keratoconus management.Thesurgicaloptioniskeratoplasty,butevenaftersuturremoval,highastigmatismmaystilexists.Therefore,contact lens is an adequate treatment option to correct astigmatism after keratoplasty.